🗒️ Demo Version Features and Usage Constraints

Equivalence to Full Versions

Our demo versions are architecturally identical to their full-version counterparts, providing users with access to all features and functionalities.

Message Usage Limitation

To maintain the integrity of our service while managing the significant costs of our advanced AI technology, demo versions have a defined message usage limit. This limit has been set well above the average user’s estimated monthly needs to ensure a comprehensive trial experience.


The demo version is eligible for a full refund, subject to the conditions outlined in our Return Policy.

Incentive for Upgrade

Users who start with our demo version will be eligible for a discount upon upgrading to the full version. This offer is part of our commitment to support our users' growth and to facilitate a smooth transition to the more extensive service package.

Sustainable Commercial Strategy

As we embark on our commercialization, the introduction of demo versions with message usage constraints is a strategic decision. It allows us to manage resources prudently while scaling our service offerings in a sustainable manner.

Quality and Sustainability

Our approach balances operational cost management with the provision of high-quality, reliable AI services. This balance ensures that we can continue to innovate and offer our users the best possible experience now and in the future.